Delve into the intricate world of Henry James with "The Given Case (1898)," a captivating novel originally published in 1898. This new edition features a comprehensive introductory biography of the...
Delve into the intricate world of Henry James with "The Given Case (1898)," a captivating novel originally published in 1898. This new edition features a comprehensive introductory biography of the renowned author, offering valuable insights into his life and literary journey. Born in New York City in 1843, James, one of thirteen children, had a unique and unconventional early education that shaped his distinctive writing style. This novel showcases James's masterful storytelling ability, exploring themes of social complexities, moral dilemmas, and the complexities of human relationships. Immerse yourself in James's captivating prose and unravel the intricate layers of "The Given Case (1898)."
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