Dive into the quirky world of Irwin LaLune, a skunk detective with an unerring nose for mystery. When a curious squirrel alerts him to the strange behavior of Ling Ming, the beloved panda at the local zoo, Irwin finds himself...
Franklin Murphy? It's not a name that is widely known; even during his lifetime the public knew little of him. But for nearly thirty years, Murphy was the dominant figure in the cultural development of Los Angeles. Behind the scenes,...
The you-are-there story of one of the most ferocious small-unit combats in US history . . .As part of the massive Allied invasion of Normandy, three airborne divisions were dropped behind enemy lines to sew confusion in the German rear...
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisherLonely Planet Botswana & Namibia is your passport to all the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Watch the wildlife gathe......
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Southern Africa is your passport to all the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Stand in awe at...
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