Dive into the gripping world of Mary Roberts Rinehart, the "American Agatha Christie," with **The Case of Jennie Brice**. This captivating mystery unfolds against the backdrop of a devastating flood...
Dive into the gripping world of Mary Roberts Rinehart, the "American Agatha Christie," with **The Case of Jennie Brice**. This captivating mystery unfolds against the backdrop of a devastating flood that has crippled the city of Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Amidst the chaos and destruction, a chilling crime takes place within a crowded boarding house. As the city struggles to recover, a determined detective must unravel a web of secrets and lies to uncover the truth. This classic tale will keep you on the edge of your seat with its suspenseful plot, intriguing characters, and a shocking revelation that will leave you breathless. Experience the brilliance of Mary Roberts Rinehart as she masterfully blends mystery, suspense, and social commentary in this timeless masterpiece.
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