"The Case Against My Brother" by Libby Sternberg transports readers to 1922 Baltimore, Maryland, where two orphaned brothers, Carl and Adam Matuski, find themselves facing a bleak future. At the...
"The Case Against My Brother" by Libby Sternberg transports readers to 1922 Baltimore, Maryland, where two orphaned brothers, Carl and Adam Matuski, find themselves facing a bleak future. At the tender ages of 15 and 17 respectively, they are compelled to leave their familiar surroundings and embark on a cross-country journey to live with their Uncle Pete in Portland, Oregon. As Carl struggles to adapt to his new environment, he finds himself consumed by a longing for his old life, a yearning that only intensifies his frustration with his older brother, Adam. The story unfolds as Carl grapples with his feelings of displacement and resentment, and the reader is drawn into the complex dynamics of their relationship. The novel explores themes of family, loss, and the challenges of growing up in a changing world.
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