At the close of World War II, Allied forces faced frightening new German secret weapons--buzz bombs, V-2s, and the first jet fighters. When Hitler's war machine began to collapse, the race was on to snatch these secrets before the Soviet...
Dive into the captivating world of classic crime stories with "New Cases for Dr. Morelle: Classic Crime Stories-Ernest Dudley." Witness the unfolding drama as Cynthia Mason, a young heiress, finds herself trapped under the oppressive control of her violent stepfather,...
HMAS Sydney's hunt for the German raider, Emden.When the ships of the new Royal Australian Navy made their grand entry into Sydney Harbour in October 1913, a young nation was at peace.Under a year later Australia had gone to war...
## PlayStation 2 Games: An Epic Collection**Action & Adventure:****Top Titles:*** **Grand Theft Auto III:** The groundbreaking open-world crime simulator that defined a generation.* **Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty:** A stealth masterpiece with innovative gameplay and a gripping story.*...