"Mission through Diaspora: The Case of the Chinese Church in the USA" by Jeanne Wu is an academic research report exploring the significant role of the Chinese church in the USA and its impact on the global diaspora. The report...
Dive into the captivating world of Claudia Valentine, a spirited sleuth caught in the crosshairs of a thrilling mystery. When a series of Triad killings intertwines with the pursuit of ancient treasures, Claudia finds herself navigating the labyrinthine streets of...
This book offers a comprehensive collection of real case studies from the medical records of leading Chinese acupuncture experts, including prominent practitioners like Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai. It provides a unique glimpse into the clinical practice of these renowned...
“Murder is easy. It’s child’s play to commit murder and get away with it.”Unpleasant uncle Hubert is murdered while playing cards—and surrounded by any number of relatives who stand to gain by his death. An impossible......
"Dreaming in Chinese: Mandarin Lessons in Life, Love, and Language" by Deborah Fallows is a captivating exploration of the Chinese language and culture. This insightful book reveals the author's personal journey as she immerses herself in Mandarin, delving into its...
Denna kinesiska 110cc ATV-service- och reparationshandbok ger omfattande, steg-för-steg-instruktioner för service, reparation och underhåll av din ATV. Det är samma handbok som används av professionella tekniker och mekaniker, vilket gör den perfekt för DIY-entusiaster. Handboken innehåller detaljerade instruktioner och illustrationer...
INCLUDES Chinese characters as well as romanized words.
Any tourist, traveler, Western business person or foreign expat can attest to the occasional c......
HiSun (aka Hsun) Manufactures these Rhino clone UTVs which are marketed under several different brand names including: Bennche, Massimo, Supermach, Yardsport, Qlink Frontrunner, BMS, Precision, Big Muddy, JMC, Powerlink and others. This detailed service manual covers the HiSun HS500,600 and...