Marc Estrin follows another of his strange protagonists through a world troubled by what it knows and by how it applies that knowledge. From the first page, we are plunged into a global riot of paranoia, joy, and fear. But...
In a southern Africa violently split during Apartheid, Koba is taken away from her Kalahari desert-tribe after witnessing her parents being murdered by a party of white hunters. She slowly learns to adapt and survive in a dangerous but beautiful...
"Trimming the Bush" by Laura James is a comprehensive guide dedicated to the art of female pubic hair styling. This illustrated manual explores the world of pubic hair topiary, covering everything from basic trimming techniques to intricate shaping and complete...
Writing with inspiration is an art. The author, after writing over twenty five books writes with power, simplicity and from experience. In this book, you will learn how to receive a message from God and translate it into writing. The...
Swash-buckling adventure on the high seas, passionate romance between star-crossed lovers -- The Lady and the Pirate has it all. This popular novel from American writer Emerson Hough is a fun read for pirate fans, historical romance junkies, and e......
"If, as many CEOs claim, employees are our most valuable resource, why are those resources being depleted? More precisely, why are employees being depleted of the energy, motivation and pride that make them fulfilled and proud employees - and huma......
This book candidly provides assistant professors and graduate sutdents contemplating a career in academia with practical information that will facilitate their meeting collegiality and service expectations for promotion and tenure. The focus is on......
Sardonic and merciless, this satire of the entire apocalyptic enterprise provides a humorous and timely interpretation of the bestselling Left Behind seriesthe adventures of those "left behind" to battle the Anti-Christ after all Born-Again ......
This is a second memoir following Coming after Fathering Words: The Making of an African American Writer. In this story, Miller is returning to baseball, the game of his youth, in order to find the metaphor that will provide th......
English literature has been deluged by memoirs, commentaries and travel logs depicting the fascinating adventures of hearty souls and brilliant intellectuals. In contrast, "Throw Me Under the Bus...Please" is a cynical yet humorous account of a bu......
This book reveals a remarkable oddity about the mainstream philosophy of science. While rejecting a noxious relativism, it is unable to ascribe "truth" to scientific theories that also are divorced conceptually from ethics and politics. There is m......
A debut collection of short fiction from this National Magazine Award in Fiction finalist. Set in a variety of Southern and Midwestern landscapes-from Missouri's Ha Ha Tonka State Park to a crop circle at a Minnesotan farm-the stories in Between...
Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage. In China, in the eighth century, it entered the realm of poetry as one of the polite amusements. The fifteenth century saw Japan ennoble it into a religion of aestheticism...
The eagerness with which the first volume of Emily Dickinson's poems has been read shows very clearly that all our alleged modern artificiality does not prevent a prompt appre-ciation of the qualities of directness and simplicity in approaching th......
Originally published in 1989, this ground-breaking ethnographic exploration of tattooing-and the art world surrounding it-covers the history, anthropology and sociology of body modification practices; the occupational experience of the tattooist; ......
Thomas Kydd was promoted to acting lieutenant at the bloody Battle of Camperdown in October 1797. Now, he must sit an examination to confirm his rank - or face an inglorious return before the mast. But this is only the...
Small, quick-moving torpedo boats played a vital role in protecting the Allied convoys in the English Channel and the North Sea during World War II, and Sub-Lieutenant Clive Royce is newly assigned to MTB 1991, joining a crew already seasoned...
< P> Accurately calculating medication dosages is a critical element in pharmaceutical care that directly affects optimal patient outcomes. Unfortunately, medication dosage errors happen in pharmacies, in hospitals, or even at home or in homecare ......
Osama bin Laden has presented himself to the world as a zealous freedom fighter and a deeply pious man, a de facto paragon for Muslims everywhere. Telling a far different story, this authoritative new biography lifts bin Laden?s mask of...
Fully revised to conform to the 2003 NCLEX Test Plan, this study guide and test includes hot spot,” fill-in-the-blank, and check-the-box questions to reflect the new test format with 10 written practice tests covering all the body syst......