Este manual de servicio para el televisor a color Toshiba 34VH26P te proporcionará una guía completa sobre el funcionamiento interno y el mantenimiento de tu televisor. El manual incluye información...
Este manual de servicio para el televisor a color Toshiba 34VH26P te proporcionará una guía completa sobre el funcionamiento interno y el mantenimiento de tu televisor. El manual incluye información detallada sobre los ajustes y la configuración, la ubicación de los controles, la programación de la memoria de canales, un diagrama de bloques de circuitos, una lista de piezas de repuesto para el chasis y el gabinete, una vista inferior de las placas de circuito impreso y una vista de los terminales del transistor. Con este manual, podrás entender mejor los componentes y las funciones de tu televisor Toshiba, lo que te permitirá realizar reparaciones y ajustes de forma eficaz.
The provided information indicates that you are looking for a service manual for a **Toshiba Color TV 34VH26P**. It is important to understand that **this is a television model, not a vehicle**. While the "Vehicle Type" field is listed, it seems misplaced and likely a remnant of a broader database structure for different types of products.
The Toshiba Color TV 34VH26P was likely a popular model during its production years. The mention of specific details like "SETTING & ADJUSTING DATA," "LOCATION OF CONTROLS," and "PROGRAMMING CHANNEL MEMORY" suggests that the service manual provides detailed instructions for technicians to understand and repair the intricate workings of the television. The document potentially includes a "CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM" offering a visual representation of its electronic components and their connections. Additional information like the "CHASSIS AND CABINET REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST," "PC BOARDS BOTTOM VIEW," and "TERMINAL VIEW OF TRANSISTOR" provides valuable insight into the physical structure and component identification, aiding in repairs and troubleshooting.
This service manual is an invaluable resource for technicians and individuals seeking to repair their Toshiba Color TV 34VH26P. It outlines the intricacies of its internal components, their arrangement, and how they interact. The service manual acts as a guide to navigate the complex workings of the television, offering step-by-step instructions and diagrams to address potential issues and ensure a successful repair. While the exact year of manufacture may not be specified within the provided excerpt, the presence of the manual itself suggests that the television model was a significant product for Toshiba, offering a testament to its quality and longevity.
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