Este manual de servicio para el televisor Panasonic en color TX-28LD20F y TX-25LD20F con chasis EURO-4H, proporciona una guía completa para la reparación y el mantenimiento de su televisor. Abarca una amplia gama de temas, de precauciones de seguridad y sugerencias de servicio, hasta la autocomprobación y los procedimientos de ajuste. Además, incluye una tabla de patrones de forma de onda, ajustes de alineación, diagramas de bloques y la ubicación de las piezas. Con este manual, podrá comprender el funcionamiento interno de su televisor, diagnosticar problemas y realizar reparaciones con confianza.
The information you provided describes a **Panasonic Colour TV** model, not a vehicle. It seems you are looking for information about a service manual for the **TX-28LD20F** and **TX-25LD20F** models, which use the **EURO-4H Chassis**. This manual would likely contain technical information for repair and maintenance, including safety precautions, service hints, self-check procedures, adjustment instructions, waveform patterns, alignment settings, block diagrams, parts location, and more.
The **Panasonic TX-28LD20F** and **TX-25LD20F** were likely part of a line of color televisions manufactured by Panasonic in the late 1980s or early 1990s. These CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) televisions were common in homes during that period. The **EURO-4H Chassis** was probably a specific design used in these models, indicating a European-oriented version with possible variations in voltage requirements or signal specifications. While specific details like picture resolution, features, and technical specifications might require further investigation, owning a service manual for these models would be invaluable for anyone wanting to repair or understand the inner workings of these classic televisions. If you are interested in acquiring this manual, you might consider exploring online marketplaces or contacting a vintage electronics repair specialist for guidance.