After preparing to lead a quiet life as a teacher and scholar of political theory, William Galston has spent the past quarter century crossing the boundaries between academia and public life, including a two-year stint as Deputy Assistant for Dome......
"Curva de Razonamiento, Competencia del Jurado y el Sistema de Justicia Penal Inglés: El Caso de un Enfoque del Siglo XXI - Bethel Erastus-Obilo" es un libro interjurisdiccional e interdisciplinario que busca estimular la discusión y ampliar el debate en...
Why, when, and how should a church add to its professional staff? Here is a practical manual dealing with the issues of hiring and utilizing multiple staff positions to encourage church growth.
Author: McIntosh, Gary L.
Publisher: Baker Books
Sumérjase en las historias inspiradoras de los 20 atletas más grandes del siglo XX, meticulosamente seleccionados por Brad Herzog. Descubra las increíbles hazañas de leyendas como Muhammad Ali, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, Jack Nicklaus, Jackie Robinson, Jackie Joyner-Kersee y Jesse Owens,...
“Irresistibly seductive. ... Murder mystery, historical novel, portal to another time; The Blackest Bird is a masterpiece.”—Anth ony Bourdain In the sweltering summer of 1841, Mary Rogers, a popular tobacco shop counter girl, is f......
Este libro, que presenta la narrativa autobiográfica de la amante Mary Hampson, una mujer del siglo XVII en un matrimonio violento y abusivo, reconstruye los acontecimientos ocurridos dentro y alrededor de esta desgarradora historia y rescata una voz convincente y...
Lady Hyegyong's memoirs, which recount the chilling murder of her husband by his father, form one of the best known and most popular classics of Korean literature. From 1795 until 1805 Lady Hyegyong composed this masterpiece, depicting a court lif......
Lady Hyegyong's memoirs, which recount the chilling murder of her husband by his father, is one of the best known and most popular classics of Korean literature. From 1795 until 1805 Lady Hyegyong composed this masterpiece, which depicts a court...
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