"The First Copernican: Georg Joachim Rheticus and the Rise of the Copernican Revolution" by Dennis Danielson offers a compelling exploration of the life and work of Georg Joachim Rheticus, a pivotal figure in the scientific revolution. This book delves into...
When German submarines were sinking so much Allied shipping that Britain faced the danger of starvation, Dennis Wheatley - then a member of the War Cabinet's Joint Planning Staff - suggested that a system of raft convoys, moved by the...
In diesem provokanten Werk stellt Dennis R. MacDonald die gängige Meinung über die Quellen des Neuen Testaments in Frage und argumentiert, dass die Ursprünge von Passagen in der Apostelgeschichte nicht in frühen christlichen Legenden, sondern in den Epen Homers zu...
'Before there was James Bond, there was Gregory Sallust.' Tina Rosenberg, Used Dark Forces is the eighth in Dennis Wheatley's bestselling Gregory Sallust series featuring the debonair spy Gregory Sallust, a forerunner ......
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