The Tank Killers is the story of the American Tank Destroyer Force in North Africa, Italy, and the European Theater during World War II. The tank destroyer (TD) was a bold-if some would say flawed-answer to the challenge posed by...
The story of the battleship Tirpitz-Bismarck's sister ship-and the desperate Allied efforts to destroy it . . . After the Royal Navy's bloody high seas campaign to kill the mighty Bismarck, the Allies were left with an uncomfortable truth-the Ger......
Robert Bowen was drafted into Company C, 401st Glider Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, as World War II broke out, and soon afterwards found himself storming ashore amid the chaos on Utah Beach, through unfamiliar terrain littered with minefields......
thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. On the evening of a Sunday, in the year 1578, a splendid fête was given in the magnificent hotel just built opposite the Louvre, on the...
present you this new edition. On November 6, 1817, died the Princess Charlotte, only child of the Prince Regent, and heir to the crown of England. Her short life had hardly been a happy one. By nature impulsive, capriciou......
Who Else Wants To Control Your Own Income Potential, Set Your Own Hours, And Enjoy Extra Freedom With A Business In Car Detailing? Tell me if you know this person. He or she always seems to have money. Works when...
Eric Nave, an Australian naval officer, was the first to unravel Japanese naval telegraphy and to break Imperial Japanese Navy codes. Yet few Australians have ever heard of the exploits and achievements of this exceptionally talented man who did s......
First Aid for Sport: A Kit Bag Guide is a practical, clear guide to dealing with first aid in sports situations. Designed to be durable and weather-resistant, and spiral-bound so that it stays open easily during on-the-spot use on the...
The astonishing life of a young working-class man who fought throughout Second World War from Alamein to the invasion of Sicily, was captured at Arnhem and as a POW survived the Allied bombing raid on Dresden Author: Gregg, Victor Editor:...
A True and Wholly Engrossing Tale of High Finance and Treachery in Which the Secret of a Wartime Tragedy is Revealed Through a Contemporary Drama.On 10th June 1944, four days after the Allied invasion of Normandy, the inhabitants of a...
Ivor Porter first came to Romania in 1939 as a teacher of English - to the exotic, semi-oriental Bucharest described by Olivia Manning. After the war had broken out, and Romania had been absorbed into the Axis sphere of influence,...
In this remarkable one-year journal, skilled horsewoman and adventurer Laura Chester brings us into her world, where we deeply connect with the earth and its seasons, with beauty and sometimes danger. While riding in places as far-reaching as Mex......
A Shriek in the Night (1933)
Format : MP4
Director: Albert Ray
Producer: M.H. Hoffman Jr.
Production Company: Allied Pictures Corporation
Ginger Rogers
Lyle Talbot
Harvey Clark
Purnell Pratt
Something in Chara's incredible eyes convinced Decimus that he had to do anything to free her from the bitter life of slavery from which he himself had recently been freed. But being tied to a slave will make his flight...
In early 1942, shipping losses in the Atlantic threatened Britain's very survival. In addition to the U-Boat menace, there was real concern that the mighty German battleship Tirpitz be unleashed against the vital Allied convoys. Yet only the 'Norm......