As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Pele: Devotion discusses the struggles and triumphs of Pele's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or coach, and uses...
As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Jim Valvano: Joyfulness discusses the struggles and triumphs of Jim Valvano's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or coach,...
As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Clarence "Big House" Gaines, Sr.: Respectability discusses the struggles and triumphs of Clarence Gaines' life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celeb......
As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Hank Aaron: Fearlessness discusses the struggles and triumphs of Hank Aaron's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or coach,...
As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Dean Smith: Loyalty discusses the struggles and triumphs of Dean Smith's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or coach,...
As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Mike Krzyzewski: Encouragement discusses the struggles and triumphs of Mike Krzyzewski's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or c......
As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Vince Lombardi: Toughness discusses the struggles and triumphs of Vince Lombardi's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or coach,......
As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, Cal Ripken, Jr.: Endurance discusses the struggles and triumphs of Cal Ripken's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or...
Daniel Defoe is, perhaps, best known to us as the author of Robinson Crusoe, a book which has been the delight of generations of boys and girls ever since the beginning of the eighteenth century. For it was then that...
Thomas C. (Pidge) Robinson came to Texas from Virginia at the age of 27, fleeing a feud with a neighbor who opposed Robinson’s amorous intentions toward the neighbor’s sister. He joined the Texas Rangers in 1874, serving with legendary......
Haddon Robinson's method in Biblical Preaching is employed in twelve expository messages with accompanying comments on each by the editor and interviews with each preacher.
Editor: Robinson, Haddon W.
Publisher: Baker Academic
Illustration: n
Willie Wells was arguably the best shortstop of his generation. As Monte Irvin, a teammate and fellow Hall of Fame player, writes in his foreword, "Wells really could do it all. He was one of the slickest fielding shortstops ever...
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