Is it really over? Have Hobart Lindsey and Marvia Plum solved their last case? Lindsey, the mild-mannered bachelor insurance adjuster. Plum, the tough inner-city cop and single mom. You can hardly think of an odder couple, but somehow they were...
Dive into the captivating world of mystery with "Five-minute Mysteries 5: 40 Additional Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve." This fifth volume in the popular series presents a collection of 40 expertly crafted short whodunits, each designed...
"Headcase-Marc Rosenberg" is a gripping thriller that delves into themes of loss, betrayal, and violence. The story unfolds in a harsh cityscape, where broken lives collide in a haunting narrative of duplicity. Detective Ash Aiken, a jaded and reinstated cop,...
"Unsolved: Cold-Case Homicides of Law Enforcement Officers - James A Bultema" offers a poignant exploration of the tragic sacrifices made by American law enforcement officers who were murdered in the line of duty, with their killers remaining at large. The...
In Victor J. Banis's hilarious gender-bender send-up of the mutant superhero genre, hetero Peter Warren's ambition is to design women's dresses, and his most secret desire is to wear them. His cop wife, Teri, also secretly longs to see her...
Captain John Braddock worked in the racket squad of a large metropolitan police department. He did not deal with crimes of violence but instead sought to protect the public from the various confidence rackets that were a more direct threat...
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