The Carrier Pigeon: A Case by Charles E. Morgan III
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"The Case of the Carrier Pigeon" by Charles E. Morgan III, is a captivating children's story that follows the adventures of Brains Benton and his partner Jimmy Carson. The story...
"The Case of the Carrier Pigeon" by Charles E. Morgan III, is a captivating children's story that follows the adventures of Brains Benton and his partner Jimmy Carson. The story unfolds as the dynamic duo, while on a leisurely bicycle ride, stumble upon a distressed homing pigeon with an intriguing missing message. Intrigued by the mystery, the Benton and Carson International Detective Agency springs into action, embarking on a thrilling investigation to uncover the secrets behind the missing message. The narrative is filled with suspense, humor, and memorable characters, making it a delightful read for young adventurers.
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