"The Autobiography of a Quack and The Case of George Dedlow" by S. Weir Mitchell, M.D., offers a captivating glimpse into the life and mind of a renowned physician. This insightful book blends personal anecdotes with Mitchell's professional observations and...
"Bird Feathers: A Guide to North American Species" by Scott S. David and Casey McFarland, published by Stackpole Books, offers a comprehensive visual guide to the feathers of North American bird species. This guide features over 400 high-quality photographs showcasing...
"Research on Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Vol. 2 Cases and Perspectives" delves into the crucial role of technology in enhancing mathematics education. This volume, part of a larger series aligned with the National Council of Teachers...
"The Case Against My Brother" by Libby Sternberg transports readers to 1922 Baltimore, Maryland, where two orphaned brothers, Carl and Adam Matuski, find themselves facing a bleak future. At the tender ages of 15 and 17 respectively, they are compelled...
This research delves into the intricate role of regional political parties in shaping the landscape of Indian coalition governments. It focuses on the state of Tamil Nadu as a case study, providing a detailed analysis of the dynamics that have...
"EU Competition Law: An Analytical Guide to the Leading Cases" by Ariel Ezrachi, now in its fourth edition, is a comprehensive and practical resource for navigating the complexities of European competition law. The book offers in-depth analysis of landmark cases,...
Dive into the captivating world of Erle Stanley Gardner's "The Case of the Backward Mule," a thrilling Terry Clane mystery set in 1946. This classic tale follows the astute defense attorney as he unravels a complex web of deceit and...
In the fall of 1915, Alafair Tucker travels to Enid, Oklahoma, to be with her sister Ruth Anna, whose husband Lester is nearing the end of his life. The family is gathering to bid farewell and Alafair finds herself caught...
This unique case study challenges readers to use business analytics techniques to survive a bus accident in a remote area of Amboseli National Park in Kenya's Nyiri Desert, without access to communication. Crystallizing several realistic analy......
This manual contains maintenance and repair procedures for the CASE I.H. 1944 (DAVID BROWN). This service manual comes in PDF format. We recommend to use Adobe PDF Reader, to be sure all images / graphics will display correctly.Here you can...
“You needn’t look impatient, sir. He’ll be finished with you long before dinner.Ë®Who has murdered the beautiful Sonia Vorge in her bridal bed? Why is the sinisterly looped rope hanging from the oak-beam? And what has the ghost o......
Old Hunt slithered in the most amazing way and then fell to the floor. He lay between the seats, face upwards.Ludovic Travers is on his way by train from Toulon to Marignac. Along for the ride are several suspicious characters,...
“Let us know when you’re dead!”Ludovic Travers had known it was a publicity stunt, all that business about the anonymous threatening letters. He expected a hoax but what he found was two men lying dead on the floor of Crewe&rsquo......
I am going to commit a murder. I offer no apology for the curtness of the statement.An individual taking the name ‘Marius’ boasts in a series of letters that he will commit the Perfect Murder, daring Scotland Yard detectives to...
Case Briggs Stratton Engine 190707 220707 Service Repair Workshop Manual Download PdfComplete Factory Service Repair Workshop Manual. No Extra fees, No Expiry dates. Service Repair Workshop Manual, available for instant download to your co......
“Send someone here quick. There’s been a murder!”Mr Lewton is dead. Stabbed through the back, no possibility of suicide—and no sign of a knife either. The deceased made a phone call summoning a doctor immediately before his......
"Breakthrough Problem Solving with Action Learning: Concepts and Cases" by Michael Marquardt and Roland K. Yeo delves into the effectiveness and innovative nature of action learning groups in tackling complex challenges. The book explores the underlying principles of action learning...
A new thrill ride begins in the Amazon rainforest with the latest novel in the Worst-Case Scenario Ultimate Adventure series! Join an expedition of students exploring the Amazon jungle and face real dangers and decisions. Your choices will determi......
"Core Clinical Cases in Basic Biomedical Science" by Samy Azer is a comprehensive resource designed to help you understand the intricate connection between basic biomedical science and clinical practice. Through a series of carefully constructed clinical cases, the book encourages...
Dive deep into the historical saga of the Hiss-Chambers case, a pivotal moment in American history. **Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case** by Allen Weinstein, originally published in 1978, remains the definitive account of this complex and controversial case. This comprehensive manual...