"The Case of Mistress Mary Hampson: Her Story of Marital Abuse and Defiance in Seventeenth-Century England" by Jessica Malay presents a captivating and insightful exploration of a woman's resilience and defiance in the face of a brutal reality. This meticulously...
"Bird Feathers: A Guide to North American Species" by Scott S. David and Casey McFarland, published by Stackpole Books, offers a comprehensive visual guide to the feathers of North American bird species. This guide features over 400 high-quality photographs showcasing...
This manual delves into the innovative concept of incorporating multigenre research projects into first-year composition courses. It challenges the traditional writing pedagogy that has dominated classrooms for centuries, highlighting its shortcomings in meeting the evolving research and writing demands of...
This comprehensive handbook, written by veteran Special Education teacher Jack E. George, offers invaluable insights into the world of autism. Drawing on his extensive experience working with autistic children in the California school system, George provides a clear and accessible...
"Practical Classroom Management for Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Teachers" by Cathy Stockton and David E. Gullatt is a comprehensive guide designed for educators at all experience levels. Drawing upon their combined 75 years of experience in education, the authors provide...
The E-Study Guide for Principles of Macroeconomics Textbook by Case, crafted by Cram101 Textbook Reviews, is a comprehensive learning tool designed to streamline your study process. It provides a detailed outline of the key concepts and theories covered in the...
This comprehensive study guide is designed to help you master the concepts and theories presented in "Basic Strategy in Context: European Text and Cases" by Neil Thomson. It provides a clear and concise outline of the textbook's key content, highlighting...
The purpose of this book is to reach out to teachers, parents, coaches, and students who may be hoping to, or just investigating the possibility of, how to get started with robotics. At the same time, we hope to leverage...
The Building Contract Casebook, 5th Edition, by Michael Furmston, delves into the intricate relationship between general legal principles and the provisions of standard building and construction contracts. This comprehensive legal textbook, spanning 505 pages, offers a detailed exploration of this...
This is the fifth, fully updated, edition of Professor Burrows' casebook, offering law students the ideal way to discover and understand contract law through reading highlights from the leading cases. Designed to be used either on its own or to...
This comprehensive manual, "Casebook: Ghosts and Poltergeists - Ron Fontes," delves into the fascinating world of paranormal activity. Explore real-life case studies of ghostly encounters and poltergeist phenomena, meticulously documented by renowned paranormal investigator Ron Fontes. Gain insights into the...
This textbook discusses the most important theories of internationalization, including Product Life-Cycle, Internalization, Location, Eclectic Paradigm, Uppsala, Network, and International New Venture concepts. These models are grounded to a consi......
**A Introduction to Teaching Casework Skills** by Jean S. Heywood offers a comprehensive guide to the fundamental principles and practices of casework. Published in 1998 by Routledge, this textbook delves into the core elements of effective casework, providing readers with...
Dive deep into the mysteries surrounding the infamous Bermuda Triangle with "Casebook: The Bermuda Triangle - Ron Fontes." This comprehensive manual explores the intriguing history of disappearances within this enigmatic region, examining both historical and contemporary incidents involving aircraft. Gain...
This casebook provides a comprehensive analysis of Tennessee Williams's enduring legacy in American theatre. Explore the complexities of his iconic plays, from the raw emotions of "A Streetcar Named Desire" to the poignant introspection of "The Glass Menagerie." Delve into...
"Casebook: UFOs And/Or Alien Encounter-Ron Fontes" presents a compelling exploration of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and alleged alien encounters. This in-depth resource delves into the intriguing narratives surrounding these phenomena, providing detailed accounts and analysis. Readers will embark on a...
Is it really over? Have Hobart Lindsey and Marvia Plum solved their last case? Lindsey, the mild-mannered bachelor insurance adjuster. Plum, the tough inner-city cop and single mom. You can hardly think of an odder couple, but somehow they were...
In The Creative Therapist, Bradford Keeney makes the case that "creativity" is the most essential aspect of vibrant, meaningful, and successful therapy. Using a collection of clinical case studies this book illustrates how creativity may be brough......
The US Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch of the federal government. It is the highest court in the land, with thousands of cases appealed to it every year. One of those history-making cases was Plessy v....