Dive into the captivating world of golden-age mystery fiction with "The Circular Staircase" by Mary Roberts Rinehart. This timeless novel, first published in 1908, offers a compelling blend of skillful writing, a tightly woven plot, and sharp, witty dialogue. The...
Dive into the gripping world of Mary Roberts Rinehart, the "American Agatha Christie," with **The Case of Jennie Brice**. This captivating mystery unfolds against the backdrop of a devastating flood that has crippled the city of Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Amidst the...
"King of Infinite Space: Donald Coxeter, the Man Who Saved Geometry" by Siobhan Roberts is a captivating biography that delves into the remarkable life and achievements of Donald Coxeter, a pioneering mathematician renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to geometry. The...
"The Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century" by Brad Roberts challenges the prevailing viewpoint that the United States should diminish the significance of nuclear weapons in its security strategies and reduce its nuclear arsenal. This book presents...
Synopsis: Dream Watchman: Quest for the Missing Talisman Book 1 is destined to become an epic saga classic in the young adult fantasy genre. Set in modern-day Los Angeles, the reader is transported back to the 17th-century world of warlocks...
_x000B_This book explores the life and works of the pioneering opera composer Robert Ashley, one of the leading American composers of the post-Cage generation. Ashley's innovations began in the 1960s when he, along with Alvin Lucier, Gordon Mumma,......
In 1973, a young South African named Robert Fridjhon stole a yacht in Hawaii and set out to cross the Pacific solo during hurricane season. He had become involved with Russian gangsters in Los Angeles and witnessed a crime, putting...
Alex Miller's novels are increasingly regarded as classics of Australian literature. This collection of critical essays offers a systematic introduction to the work of one of Australia's best known authors.
Author: Dixon, Robert
Publisher: Allen ......
Drawing on their in-depth interviews with Robert Wagner, authors Maychick and Borgo provide us with a rare glimpse into the private and stormy life of a Hollywood legend. We see the good and the bad - from Robert's early years...
Noted historian Robert G. Kaufman contends that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, shattered the optimism so prevalent in the United States during the tranquil and prosperous 1990s. President George W. Bush's controversial grand strategy......
The focus of this book, Holistic Health, is on the big picture. It is on understanding all of the many facets of our lives that need to be taken into consideration if we are to experience an overarching sense of...
Currency Unions reviews the traditional case for flexible exchange rates and "countercyclical"-that is, expansionary during recessions and contractionary in booms-monetary policy, and shows how flexible exchange rate regimes can better insulate th......
A woman who can't remember. A man who can't forget. And a person who desperately needs to kill them both! The Katy Trail is a 225-mile long biking trail from Clinton to St. Charles, Missouri. It's one of the most...
Two seasoned educators provide step-by-step instructions on how to think inductively and do inductive Bible study, demonstrating the practice of that approach.
Author: Bauer, David R.
Author: Traina, Robert A.
Publisher: Baker Academic
In this volume, Barry Lee Pearson and Bill McCulloch examine the full range of writings about Johnson (including books, articles, and record notes) to sift fact from fiction. They compare conflicting accounts of Johnson's life, weighing them again......
Marine Captain Burrell argues that the 28,000 American marines sacrificed during the capture of Iwo Jima were lost for a cause that later proved to be both unproductive and unnecessary. He also considers the greater contribution of these valiant m......