Become a Personal Finance Guru"Discover How You - Or Anyone - Take Control Of Your Finances, Set Your Money To Work For You And Enjoy A Happier Life!"Whether You're Making A Few Hundred Dollars Or A 5 Figure Income Per...
The role of the new manager demands a new mindset, new activities, and new relationships with people throughout the organization. Becoming a Manager guides the first-time manager through these and other challenges. Part One, Making the Transition,......
Becoming a True Champion offers a path to achieving athletic excellence, longevity, and dignity through the values and hard work that once distinguished athletes as true role models. Providing an antidote to images of misbehaving athletes, this bo......
Julie Clinton, author, speaker, and president of Extraordinary Women, has spoken to thousands of women across the nation and knows they are eager to break through ordinary busyness, discouragement, and distraction to embrace a meaningful life in C......
Becoming god was an ideal of many ancient Greek philosophers, as was the life of reason, which they equated with divinity. This book argues that their rival accounts of this equation depended on their divergent attitudes toward time. Affirming it,......
Stories of meaning, magic, healing and transformation for enlightened elders - wisdom tales for a new vision of aging.
Author: Robinson, John C.
Publisher: John Hunt Publishing
Illustration: n
Language: ENG
Title: Bedtime Stories for Elders: What......
This short biography of the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven details his life, his works and gives the reader an interesting guide to the style that defined this master of symphonies and other musical works. It also discusses the influence...
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) is one of the most famous and influential classical musicians of all time. He was particularly instrumental in the transition from the Classic to the Romantic. He was born in Germany but lived from...
Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most influential composers of all time, is brought vividly to life and made relevant to today’s young musicians in Beethoven for Kids. Children will learn about Beethoven’s troubled childhood and f......
A valued adviser and trusted insider in the highest echelon of U.S. military and political leaders, General Walter Bedell Smith began his public service career of more than forty years at age sixteen, when he joined the Indiana National Guard....
If you want to learn computer programming but don’t know which language to start with, this is the book for you! In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, any beginner can get a solid introduction to the basics...
A temple is a building that is designated for worshipping. Christ declared that he doesn't dwell in temples made with hands, but as believers in Christ we should realize that when we become Christians, the Holy Spirit fills and dwells...
Janson Sanders, part Cherokee, part poor-but-proud white, is intent on avenging his father's death and taking back the land stolen from him by a wealthy planter. Parentless and alone, Janson sets out, hopping a train with only a few biscuits...
Living your dreams isn’t easy. It takes persistence and tenacity, along with belief and faith in yourself, in God, and in the message He has given you. Jentezen Franklin brings readers a powerful message of hope using examples from biblical...