Synopsis: Set in the Republic of Texas, circa 1840 to 1846, Saga of a Texas Ranger is the first in a series of four historic Westerns written by Jeffery Robenalt. --- Sixteen-year-old Caleb McAdams and his family sell their prosperous...
A debut collection of short fiction from this National Magazine Award in Fiction finalist. Set in a variety of Southern and Midwestern landscapes-from Missouri's Ha Ha Tonka State Park to a crop circle at a Minnesotan farm-the stories in Between...
Otfried Hans Freiherr von Meusebach chose a life of hardship and freedom in Texas rather than a life of comfort and influence in his native Germany, where he had lived his formative years within a framework of unconstitutional government. In...
When his picture appeared on the cover of Texas Monthly, Joaquin Jackson became the icon of the modern Texas Rangers. Nick Nolte modeled his character in the movie Extreme Prejudice on him. Jackson even had a speaking part of his...
Aubrey Smith's law enforcement career spans four decades as a deputy sheriff, state undercover agent, private investigator, forensic hypnotist, and Texas sheriff. Smith lives in Texas with his wife Polly. By combining his love of storytelling and......
Maggie Thorne and her daughter Holly have been waiting for Holly's father who left seven years ago with the promise to return.Hopefully this year will be different, with the help of Texas Ranger, Matt Weston.It didn't take Matt long to...
Discover How I Sell Thousands ofProducts from Home Using the NetHere's why I'm willing to share my secret...Dear Friend,If you'd like to sell products like crazy from home using your PC -- without spending life's savings -- this repo......
No Texas Ranger memoir has captured the public's imagination like Joaquin Jackson's One Ranger. Readers thrilled to Jackson's stories of catching criminals and keeping the peace across a wide swath of the Texas-Mexico border-and clamored for more.......
Aubrey Smith's law enforcement career spans four decades as a deputy sheriff, state undercover agent, private investigator, forensic hypnotist, and Texas sheriff. Smith lives in Texas with his wife Polly. Smith is also the author of THE ANOINTING,......
Humor and romance abound in this tale of a Texas Ranger tracking a gang while undercover as a linesman, and the alluring birder watching him.
Author: Gist, Deeanne
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Illustration: n
Language: ENG
Title: Love on t......
It may seem strange to you that out of all the stories I heard on the Rio Grande I should choose as first that of Buck Duane - outlaw and gunman. But, indeed, Ranger Coffee's story of the last of...
Jim Nichols was a lively, vigorous frontiersman who came to Texas about the time of its Revolution. As with many men of that day, Nichols' formal education was lacking, but he was a born writer with a vivid way of...
Texas Ranger Tales II continues the amazing saga of the legendary Rangers with new stories that include accounts from the days when Big Foot Wallace, legendary Ranger hero, was a serious force to be reckoned with; little know but extraordinary...
Synopsis: Sundown Road is the beginning of a four-book series that follows three men in the years following the Civil War. Galen Weller, Will Blackhall, and Gideon Macdonald all learn that survival is not easy in tough times. --- Weller,...
Discover How I Sell Thousands ofProducts from Home Using the NetHeres why Im willing to share my secret...Dear Friend,If youd like to sell products like crazy from home using your PC -- without spending lifes savings -- this report......
If you'd like to sell products like crazy from home using your PC -- without spending life's savings -- this report may be the single most important one you'll read this year. Why? Because I've sold hundreds of thousands of...
The first in the Ready Willing Able seriesAs a writer, Lise Barton is used to coming up withwild scenarios for her characters, but the onethats playing out for her right now is nofictionits frighteningly real. Someone is stalkingher, s......
Discover How I Sell Thousands ofProducts from Home Using the NetHere's why I'm willing to share my secret...Dear Friend,If you'd like to sell products like crazy from home using your PC -- without spending life's savings -- this re......
"Esto no es cosa de armas" (this is not a matter for weapons). These were the last words of Don Francisco Gutiérrez before Alonzo W. Allee shot and killed him and his son, Manuel Gutiérrez. What began as a simple...
Abandoning her role as the latest media pop tart, Emie Sinclair Douglas is ready to shed her skin and move on with her life. Knowing that it won't be easy, she gathers her strength and takes her first step. She...