Il manuale di servizio per i televisori a colori Toshiba 32A35 e 32A35C fornisce una guida completa per la riparazione e la manutenzione di questi modelli. Il manuale comprende una varietà di informazioni dettagliate, tra cui: istruzioni dettagliate su come eseguire la regolazione e l'impostazione dei parametri, la posizione dei controlli, la programmazione della memoria dei canali, uno schema a blocchi del circuito, una lista dei pezzi di ricambio per il telaio e la scocca, una vista dal basso delle schede elettroniche e una vista dei terminali di alcuni componenti. Questo manuale è uno strumento essenziale per tecnici ed operatori del settore che hanno bisogno di riparare o manutenere televisori Toshiba 32A35 e 32A35C.
The provided information is not about a vehicle, but rather about a **Toshiba 32A35 and 32A35C color television**. These models were likely produced in the late 1990s or early 2000s, and the service manual you are seeking is a valuable tool for technicians and repair enthusiasts. It provides detailed information on the internal workings of the TV, including circuit diagrams, component locations, and troubleshooting guides.
The manual contains essential information for understanding the intricacies of the Toshiba 32A35/32A35C, such as:
* **Setting and Adjusting Data:** This section outlines the procedures for configuring various settings on the TV, including picture quality, sound, and channel preferences.
* **Location of Controls:** A clear diagram will illustrate the physical location of the controls on the TV, helping technicians identify buttons and switches for specific adjustments.
* **Programming Channel Memory:** The manual will explain the steps involved in programming the TV to store and recall channels, simplifying the user experience.
* **Circuit Block Diagram:** This detailed diagram provides a visual representation of the different electronic circuits within the TV, aiding in understanding how components interact with each other.
* **Chassis and Cabinet Replacement Parts List:** This list is essential for technicians working on repairs, providing a comprehensive list of replacement parts and their corresponding codes.
* **PC Boards Bottom View:** This section offers a detailed view of the electronic circuit boards within the TV, allowing technicians to identify individual components and trace connections.
* **Terminal View of Trans...:** This likely refers to a section about the terminals of specific components, providing information on their connections and pin configurations.
By utilizing this service manual, technicians can diagnose and fix a wide range of problems that may arise with the Toshiba 32A35/32A35C. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the internal structure and functionality of these television models, ultimately allowing for efficient and effective repair solutions.