"Food Fraud" by John M. Ryan offers a comprehensive exploration of the current landscape of food fraud, equipping readers with essential knowledge about impacted products, the pervasiveness of this issue,...
"Food Fraud" by John M. Ryan offers a comprehensive exploration of the current landscape of food fraud, equipping readers with essential knowledge about impacted products, the pervasiveness of this issue, and the legal framework in place across developed nations. As international food trade flourishes, food processors, distributors, and consumers are increasingly reliant on imported food from countries with potentially inadequate oversight or control. This book serves as a critical reference guide, providing insights into the latest challenges facing the food industry. The book delves into new FDA regulations stemming from the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), specifically addressing "intentional adulteration" and "economically motivated adulteration." It also presents a detailed review of contemporary food detection testing technologies, and provides illustrative examples of import controls related to illegal substitutions.
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